The Benefits of Mapping Out Your Customers

The Benefits of Customer Mapping

If you are looking to expand your audience, add new locations, or increase your marketing efficiency, try mapping out your customers. Customer mapping is a data analysis that takes your customer data and plots it out on a map, giving you a clear visual of where your consumers are located. Some of the benefits of mapping out your customers include identifying hot spots, finding non-responsive zones, seeing expansion opportunities, and understanding geographical barriers.  

Identifying Hot Spots 

Before expanding your audience, analyze your current customers, so you know what’s working and who you should target. Customer mapping is a great step in this process. It shows you where you have a high concentration of consumers. You can study your customer hot spots and identify key characteristics of those areas. The next step is to take that information and use it to find look-a-like neighborhoods.  

Find Non-Responsive Zones 

Within your marketing area, it’s highly probably that there are non-responsive zones. While it’s easiest to pull a list of consumers within a certain radius of your store, not everyone within that radius will be a good fit. You might be mailing to the same neighborhoods over and over again and getting zero responses. Customer mapping can highlight which areas are non-responsive, so you can remove them from your list and increase your marketing efficiencies. 

See Expansion Opportunities 

Opening up new locations is exciting and a big financial investment. Selecting the right location is critical to the new stores’ success. Customer mapping can help you make informed decisions. You can see which locations are overloaded and need a second location nearby to support the demand.

If you are looking to expand into brand new territories, you can study your current thriving locations. What key characteristics do they share? Take that information to find other areas that share similar characteristics and would be a great fit.  

Understand Geographical Barriers 

One of the benefits of mapping out your customers is identifying geographical barriers. Even if you’re advertising to consumers within a 5-mile radius, it might take some of them 45 minutes to reach you because there’s a river or mountain running through the area. There might even be an expensive toll bridge they’d have to cross which can be a big deterrent. Customer mapping can highlight those barriers and help you choose a better marketing zone for that location.

If you want to expand your business, customer mapping is a great tool to help you grow smarter. It also help you focus your marketing efforts on highly responsive areas. 

Ready to see where your customers are located? Give us a call.