
The Dynamic Duo

The Dynamic Duo: Direct Mail and Digital Marketing

You might be tempted to overlook direct mail and assume it’s a relic of the past, but it continues to boast strong response rates. As a physical piece, engaging multiple senses, it has the power to cut through the clutter of overflowing inboxes. The key to unlocking its full potential is teaming up direct mail… Read more »

What Is Targeted Digital Marketing?

In today’s advertising world, businesses are always searching for ways to stand out and effectively reach their ideal customers. A key component of achieving these goals is targeted digital marketing. What is it and why is it so beneficial for companies to implement?  Understanding Targeted Digital Marketing  Targeted digital marketing is a strategy that focuses… Read more »

Create More effective campaigns with direct Marketing

Create More Effective Campaigns with Direct Marketing

If you are looking for ways to create more effective campaigns, be sure to include direct marketing in your strategy. Direct marketing targets known individuals instead of general audiences. This method allows you to be more intentional and personal with the people you choose to advertise to, leading to higher quality results and ROI. 1…. Read more »

Digital Ads Boost Direct Mail Response

Digital Ads Boost Direct Mail Response

Reaching your audience and getting their attention is critical to the success of your marketing campaign. Even more important is getting them to respond. By adding digital ads to your direct mail piece, you can see a 30%+ lift in response rates. These results come from surrounding your audience with your message and giving them… Read more »

Social media direct Marketing

Social Media Direct Marketing

Have you added social media platforms to your advertising efforts? Your customers and prospects are on these channels scrolling through content, interacting, and shopping. Why not take the opportunity to get your offer in front of them while they are active on these platforms? Not only can you choose your audience, but you can also target… Read more »

Maximize Your Website Retargeting Efforts

Maximize Your Website Retargeting Efforts

Some of the best prospects to focus on are those who are already visiting your website. They are in the market to buy, and you have made their list of options. The challenge is knowing who these prospects are and staying in front of them. The best solution for this is website retargeting. This process identifies anonymous… Read more »

Who Are You Targeting Digitally
Extend the Life of Your Direct Mail
Creating Consistency in Digital Marketing

Creating Consistency in Digital Marketing

Digital advertising offers many channels and ways to get your message in front of your target audience. While it might be tempting to jump from platform to platform in order to improve results, great results are built over time. Consistency in digital marketing is key to building momentum and increasing results.  Why Should You Create Consistency… Read more »

Target Your Direct Mail List Digitally